Posted on Wednesday, June 18, 2014 Yet another way to create "editable interactive report" part 2 Category APEX Tips and Tricks While back I did write blog post Yet another way to create "editable interactive report". This post is part 2, where I explain how you can add select lists and text area to report. In example I have use APEX_COLLECTION, but you can modify code to work with real table.First create Before Regions PL/SQL process that creates apex_collection:APEX_COLLECTION.CREATE_COLLECTION_FROM_QUERYB2 ( p_collection_name => 'EMP', p_query => ' SELECT e1.empno , e1.sal , COALESCE(e1.comm, 0) AS comm , e1.mgr , e1.deptno , e1.hiredate , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL , e1.ename , e1.job FROM emp e1 ' ); Then go to Shared Components > Lists of Values and create new LOV:From Scratchname: MANAGERtype: DynamicQuery:select ename d, empno r from emp order by 1Create another new LOV:From Scratchname: DEPARTMENTtype: DynamicQuery:select dname d, deptno r from dept order by 1Go back to edit page and create interactive report from query:SELECT seq_id ,n001 AS empno ,c001 AS ename ,c002 AS job ,n004 AS mgr ,d001 AS hiredate ,n002 AS sal ,n003 AS comm ,n005 AS dname ,clob001 AS enotes ,n004 AS mgrno ,n005 AS deptno FROM apex_collections WHERE collection_name = 'EMP'Change ENOTES column Display as to standard report column, MGRNO and DEPTNO columns to hidden.Edit ENOTES column attributes and add to column formatting:<textarea class="ir-edit-input" id="CLOB-#SEQ_ID#-1" cols="30" rows="3">#ENOTES#</textarea>You can control text are width and height using attributes cols and rows.Edit MGR column attributes and change Display Type to Display as Text (based on LOV, escape special characters).Set Named List of Values to MANAGERSet column formatting<select class="ir-edit-input" data-lov="MANAGER" data-display-null="- Select -" data-last-value="#MGRNO#" id="N-#SEQ_ID#-4"></select>Attribute data-lov defines shared components LOV name used for column select list.Include attribute data-display-null if LOV should have null value. This attribute value is used as null display value.From report query you can see that apex_collection columns n004 and n005 are defined two times with different alias. We did set columns with alias MGRNO and DETPNO as hidden column. Attribute data-last-value value should be set to that hidden column substitution string because we like have real column value to this attribute. If we use column substitution string value from column where Display Type was set to Display as Text (based on LOV, escape special characters), then attribute gets LOV display value. And select list do not work correctly in that case.Edit DNAME column attributes and change Display Type to Display as Text (based on LOV, escape special characters).Set Named List of Values to DEPARTMENTSet column formatting<select class="ir-edit-input" data-lov="DEPARTMENT" data-last-value="#DEPTNO#" id="N-#SEQ_ID#-5"></select>Setup for other columns see previous blog post.Create After Footer PL/SQL process:DECLARE cur SYS_REFCURSOR; lov_d VARCHAR2(4000); lov_r VARCHAR2(4000); l_cnt PLS_INTEGER; BEGIN htp.prn('<script type="text/javascript">'); FOR c1 IN ( SELECT list_of_values_query ,list_of_values_name FROM apex_application_lovs WHERE application_id = :APP_ID AND list_of_values_name IN('MANAGER', 'DEPARTMENT') ) LOOP l_cnt := 0; OPEN cur FOR c1.list_of_values_query; LOOP FETCH cur INTO lov_d, lov_r; EXIT WHEN cur%NOTFOUND; l_cnt := cur%ROWCOUNT; IF l_cnt = 1 THEN htp.prn('var ' || c1.list_of_values_name || ' = [{'); ELSE htp.prn(',{'); END IF; htp.prn('"D":"' || lov_d || '","R":"' || lov_r || '"}'); END LOOP; CLOSE cur; IF l_cnt = 0 THEN htp.p('var ' || c1.list_of_values_name || ' = [];'); ELSE htp.p('];'); END IF; END LOOP; htp.prn('</script>'); END;This process will print LOV values as JSON objects.We need JavaScript function that creates select list options from JSON objects.Add to page JavaScript Function and Global Variable Declaration:(function($){ $.fn.htmldbCreateSelect = function(){ this.filter("select").empty().each(function(i){ lSelf = $(this); lov = eval("lov")); if("display-null")){ lSelf.append($("<option/>",{"value":"","text""display-null")})); } $.each(lov,function(i,d){ lSelf.append($("<option/>",{"value":d["R"],"text":d["D"]})); }); lSelf.val("last-value")); }); return this; } })(apex.jQuery);Next create dynamic actionName: Edit IREvent: After RefreshSelection Type: RegionRegion: {select IR region}Condition: -No Condition-Action: Execute JavaScript codeFire On Page Load: TrueSelection Type: NoneCode:$(this.triggeringElement) .find("td .ir-edit-input") .change({region:this.triggeringElement},function(e){ var $lThis=$(this), $lRegion=$(; apex.server.process("SAVE_DATA",{, f01:$s_Split(this.value, 4000) },{ dataType:"html", beforeSend:function(){ $lThis.prop("disabled", true).parent("td").addClass("ui-autocomplete-loading"); }, success:function(pData){ if(pData!=="OK"){ alert(pData); $lThis.val($"last-value")).prop("disabled", false).parent("td").removeClass("ui-autocomplete-loading"); return false; } /* Refresh IR after value is saved */ $lRegion.trigger("apexrefresh"); } }); }) .htmldbCreateSelect() .filter("[id^=D]") .datepicker({ dateFormat:"", constrainInput:true, changeMonth:true, changeYear:true, showButtonPanel:true, showOn:"both", buttonImageOnly:true, buttonImage:"#IMAGE_PREFIX#asfdcldr.gif", showAnim:"slideDown" }); Then create On Demand process called SAVE_DATADECLARE l_val VARCHAR2(32700); l_len PLS_INTEGER := 0; l_data CLOB; l_date_val DATE; l_num_val NUMBER; l_arr APEX_APPLICATION_GLOBAL.VC_ARR2; BEGIN l_len := APEX_APPLICATION.G_f01.COUNT; IF l_len > 0 THEN l_val := APEX_APPLICATION.G_f01(1); END IF; l_arr := APEX_UTIL.STRING_TO_TABLE(APEX_APPLICATION.G_X01, '-'); IF l_arr(1) = 'C' THEN APEX_COLLECTION.UPDATE_MEMBER_ATTRIBUTE ( p_collection_name => 'EMP', p_seq => l_arr(2), p_attr_number => l_arr(3), p_attr_value => l_val ); ELSIF l_arr(1) = 'N' THEN BEGIN l_num_val := TO_NUMBER(l_val); EXCEPTION WHEN VALUE_ERROR THEN HTP.PRN(q'[Couldn't save value. Please check that value is valid number.]'); RETURN; END; APEX_COLLECTION.UPDATE_MEMBER_ATTRIBUTE ( p_collection_name => 'EMP', p_seq => l_arr(2), p_attr_number => l_arr(3), p_number_value => l_num_val ); ELSIF l_arr(1) = 'D' THEN BEGIN l_date_val := TO_DATE(l_val, 'DD.MM.YYYY'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN HTP.PRN(q'[Couldn't save value. Please check that value is valid date.]'); RETURN; END; APEX_COLLECTION.UPDATE_MEMBER_ATTRIBUTE ( p_collection_name => 'EMP', p_seq => l_arr(2), p_attr_number => l_arr(3), p_date_value => l_date_val ); ELSIF l_arr(1) = 'CLOB' THEN IF l_len = 0 OR COALESCE(LENGTH(APEX_APPLICATION.G_f01(1)), 0) = 0 THEN APEX_COLLECTION.UPDATE_MEMBER_ATTRIBUTE ( p_collection_name => 'EMP', p_seq => l_arr(2), p_clob_number => 1, p_clob_value => NULL ); ELSE dbms_lob.createtemporary( lob_loc => l_data, cache => TRUE, dur => dbms_lob.session );, dbms_lob.lob_readwrite); FOR i IN 1 .. l_len LOOP dbms_lob.writeappend( lob_loc => l_data, amount => LENGTH(APEX_APPLICATION.G_f01(i)), buffer => APEX_APPLICATION.G_f01(i) ); END LOOP; dbms_lob.close(l_data); APEX_COLLECTION.UPDATE_MEMBER_ATTRIBUTE ( p_collection_name => 'EMP', p_seq => l_arr(2), p_clob_number => 1, p_clob_value => l_data ); END IF; END IF; HTP.PRN('OK'); END;And for last add to page CSS inline:.ui-autocomplete-loading { background: url("#IMAGE_PREFIX#libraries/jquery-ui/1.8/themes/base/images/ui-anim_basic_16x16.gif") no-repeat scroll 98% 10% #EFEFEF !important; } .apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA td { padding-right: 22px !important; white-space: nowrap; vertical-align: top; } .apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA .ir-edit-input { color: inherit; text-align: inherit; }Now when you run page, you should have "editable IR" where is select list for manager and department, and text area for notes.See working example.Sample is also available for download.