Here is how trigger APEX classic report refresh when user stop entering to text field.
Rotate 11G XE database and listener logs on Linux using logrotate
Updated version of "Paste Excel Data" sample application for APEX 4.1.1
Here is how you can open interactive report single row view after page submit or page load
How create "cascading" popup list on the tabular form
Here is how change style for APEX interactive report aggregate cell e.g. when calculated value is negative.
Here is how add tooltip help to list entries. You need modify or create new list template and add title attribute.
APEX text item have option "Submit when Enter pressed" to submit page with item name as request. This attribute seems not working when you have only one text item on page.
I'm quite sure that many APEX developers have face problems when using images in interactive report. There is e.g. problem in filter and when export report you see escaped image HTML tag.
Tip how use jQuery UI button on interactive report.