Posted on Sunday, November 2, 2014 APEX 4.2 interactive report with row detail Category APEX and jQuery Here is how create interactive report with the functionality to show a detail row per each row on APEX 4.2. Below you can see interactive report query I did use for this example: SELECT p.product_id ,p.product_name ,p.category ,p.product_avail ,p.list_price ,( SELECT sum(quantity) FROM demo_order_items WHERE product_id = p.product_id ) AS units ,( SELECT sum(quantity * p.list_price) FROM demo_order_items WHERE product_id = p.product_id ) AS sales ,( SELECT count(o.customer_id) FROM demo_orders o ,demo_order_items t WHERE o.order_id = t.order_id AND t.product_id = p.product_id GROUP BY p.product_id ) AS customers ,( SELECT max(o.order_timestamp) od FROM demo_orders o ,demo_order_items i WHERE o.order_id = i.order_id AND i.product_id = p.product_id ) AS last_date_sold ,( SELECT APEX_LANG.LANG('Details') FROM DUAL ) AS details FROM demo_product_info p Edit DETAILS column attributes and make column as link Link Text : #DETAILS# Link Attributes : class="product-details" data-product="#PRODUCT_ID#" Target : URL URL : # Add to page JavaScript File URLs #IMAGE_PREFIX#libraries/jquery-ui/1.8.22/ui/minified/jquery.ui.button.min.js and to Function and Global Variable Declaration var gDetailCache = new Object(); (function($){ $.fn.htmldbDetailRow=function(options){ options=$.extend({},{ "trIdPrefix":"D", "btnShowClass":"ui-icon-plusthick", "btnHideClass":"ui-icon-minusthick", "btnAjaxClass":"ui-icon-refresh" },options); this.each(function(){ var $Self = $(this).removeAttr("href").button({icons:{primary:options.btnShowClass},text:false}), $Row = $Self.closest("tr"), $Ico = $Self.children("span.ui-button-icon-primary"), lC = $Row.children("td").length, lId = $, lTrId = options.trIdPrefix+lId, lClass = options.btnShowClass + " " + options.btnHideClass ; ${ $Tr=$($x(lTrId)); if($Tr.length===0){ $Self.button("option",{icons:{primary:options.btnAjaxClass},"disabled":true}); apex.server.process(options.onDemanProcess, {x01:lId},{dataType:"text",success:function(d){ var $Tr=$( '<tr id="' + lTrId + '">' + '<td class="' + options.tdClass + '" colspan="' + lC + '">' + d + '</td>' + '</tr>' ),lA=new Object(); lA[lTrId]={d:$Tr,s:true}; $.extend(gDetailCache,lA); $Row.after($Tr); $Ico=$Self.button("option",{icons:{primary:options.btnHideClass},"disabled":false}) .children("span.ui-button-icon-primary"); } }); }else{ $Tr.toggle(0,function(){ $Ico.toggleClass(lClass); gDetailCache[lTrId].s=!gDetailCache[lTrId].s }) } }); if(lTrId in gDetailCache){ gDetailCache[lTrId].d.children().attr({"colspan":lC}); $Row.after(gDetailCache[lTrId].d); if(gDetailCache[lTrId].s){ $Ico.toggleClass(lClass) }else{ gDetailCache[lTrId].d.hide() } } }) return this } })(apex.jQuery); Add to page CSS Inline .prodinfo{ padding:6px!important; font-size:12pt!important; color:#660000!important; font-weight:bold!important; text-align:center!important; } Create on demand process GET_PRODUCT_INFO DECLARE l_info VARCHAR2(32000); BEGIN SELECT product_description INTO l_info FROM demo_product_info WHERE product_id = apex_application.g_x01; HTP.PRN(l_info); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN HTP.PRN('No additional information'); WHEN OTHERS THEN HTP.PRN(sqlerrm); END; Create dynamic action Name: IR detail row Event: After Refresh Selection Type: Region Region: {select IR region} Condition: -No Condition- Action: Execute JavaScript code Fire On Page Load: True Code: $(this.triggeringElement) .find('a.product-details') .htmldbDetailRow({ onDemanProcess:"GET_PRODUCT_INFO", // on demand process name tdClass:"prodinfo", // details class btnData:"product" // button data name }); Selection Type: None Now when you run page you have button on each row to expand/collapse row details. Please note that when you e.g. paginate to next page and back, example remember rows that were expanded =). See working example.