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SQL Developer ORDS administration "peer not authenticated" error

If your web server use self signed certificate for https you most probably get "peer not authenticated" error when you try administrate Oracle REST Data Service (ORDS) using Oracle SQL Developer.
Peer not authenticated error message
To resolve this issue, you need import server certificate to Java cacerts keystore.

You can download server certificate e.g. using browser. In this example I use Firefox.

First navigate to your server URL and click lock icon next to URL. From popup click More Information.

Get server certificate using Firefox step 1

From opening window click View Certificate

Get server certificate using Firefox step 2

Click Details tab and then Export button

Get server certificate using Firefox step 3

Change the ‘Save as type’ to ‘X.509 Certificate with chain (PEM)’ and save the certificates to a file.

Get server certificate using Firefox step 4

Open command prompt and import certificate to Java cacert keystore. Please note that you need import certificate to Java installation/version witch SQL Developer uses.

Here is example of command how import certificate in Windows

C:\sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\bin\keytool.exe -import -noprompt -trustcacerts ^
-alias vbox-apex.localdomain ^
-file C:\Temp\vbox-apex.localdomain.crt ^
-keystore C:\sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\lib\security\cacerts ^
-storepass changeit

Import certificate using Java keytool

Now administrating Oracle REST Data Service using Oracle SQL Developer over https works.

ORDS connection


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