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Images in APEX interactive report

I'm quite sure that many APEX developers have face problems when using images in interactive report. There is e.g. problem in filter and when export report you see escaped image HTML tag. Recently I did saw Jeff Holoman's great post Using images in APEX Interactive Reports to solve that problem. I have previously also struggle with this same problem. I explain here how I have workaround problem.

In this solution I have used column link and column value must be part of image name. Just like Jeff Holoman's post my example column value is Yes or No. I use images chk_Yes.png and chk_No.png in report. I did uploaded those images to workspace images. Then interactive report from query

SELECT product_id ,
  product_name ,
  product_description ,
  category ,
  list_price ,
  DECODE(product_avail,'Y','Yes','N','No',NULL) AS product_avail
FROM demo_product_info
WHERE product_name IS NOT NULL

Edit product_avail column and enter to Link Text

</a><img src="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#chk_#PRODUCT_AVAIL#.png" alt="" /><a href="#" class="hideMe508">

Link Attributes


Change Target to URL and URL enter #

Column Link Properties

Using this method you filter by real column value and you get value to e.g. CSV export instead image HTML tag.


  • Jari Laine 19 Jun 2013

    Hi Ramani,

    Sorry, but I do not understand what sample and what navigation list you referring.

    Could you please be more specific?


  • Ramani 19 Jun 2013

    please tell me the root of side bar list and navigate to another page with same region(which is you defined the demo page)! or please send the sample application to my email could be great thank full your help.thanx
