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  • Learco 5 Apr 2011

    Hi, In 2004 we build a download platform for buying and previewingmusic:

    Back then it was completely HTMLDB. Regards, Learco

  • roebel 4 Apr 2011
    Hi Jari Fantastic - images are also now shown :-) Thanks for a great job. Regards Jens
  • Jari Laine 4 Apr 2011


    I did fixed those issues.
    Please download and install sample application again.

    I hope it works now =)


  • Jari Laine 4 Apr 2011


    Thanks to report this.

    It seems those star images not belong to clean install of APEX 4.
    Images are in APEX 3.2 and can be found also on as they just copy new images to HTTP server folder recursive.
    I will add those to workspace images. Need also check that null constraint issue.

    When I have fixed version to download I let you know.


  • roebel 4 Apr 2011

    Hi Looks great. After I try to add a file I receive the below error message. ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("BOOKMASTER"."MP3_FILES"."MIME_TYPE") Error Unable to process row of table MP3_FILES. OK Runing on version : Application Express After i changed the columns to nullable for MIME_TYPE, FILE_NAME and FILE_LAST_UPDATE it is working almost perfect. I have i red cross in the Play Files windows under Raing. Somehow it is not able to find this image?

    and this goes also for other ratings. Any idea? Thanks Jens