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Scroll classic report on APEX 4.1 (Freeze Panes)

There is many great posts in OTN forum how create scrolling classic report (freeze panes). Andy have post one example here. Thanks to Andy I did manage create this sample application using jQuery and dynamic action.

You need have EMP table in schema where you install this sample.

See working example.


  • Nivetha 23 May 2016

    Hi ,

    Can you please tell me how to implement this in Tabular Form in APEX5, Universal Theme

  • Jari Laine 24 Oct 2014

    Hi Richard,

    Could you please create example about problem to


  • Richard Legge 23 Oct 2014

    Hi Jari,

    Im trying to use this feature for my report. Im running 4.2.4 with Theme 26.

    Ive amended my template, and can get the report to scroll with a vertical scroll-bar etc.

    However, I cannot freeze the column headers. They scroll with the report.

    The issue is the difference between the template that you are using, and the ones for theme 26..

    For example. your report template is as follows:

    <table class="uReportContainer" summary="" #REPORT_ATTRIBUTES# id="report_#REGION_STATIC_ID#">#TOP_PAGINATION#

    <tr><td><div id="#REGION_STATIC_ID#_top">

    <table summary="" class="report-standard"></table>


    <tr><td><div id="#REGION_STATIC_ID#_bottom">

    <table summary="" class="report-standard">

    and the template for theme 26 is as follows:

    <table class="uReportContainer" #REPORT_ATTRIBUTES# id="report_#REGION_STATIC_ID#" summary="">

    <tr><td><div id="#REGION_STATIC_ID#_top">

    <tbody class="uReportBody">

    <tr><td><div id="#REGION_STATIC_ID#_bottom">

    <table summary="#REGION_TITLE#" class="uReport uReportStandard">

    Ive tried moving the tags for #REGION_STATIC_ID#_top around, and tried using different classes, but cannot get the header to stay fixed.

    Could you please offer any advice on how to fix the headers with this theme / template?

    Kind Regards


  • Jari Laine 28 Mar 2014

    Hi Steven,

    Create report template where is same HTML structure as in sample application. But keep your theme css classes.
    Copy JavaScript from sample application to your page.

    I guess, this do not work correctly when you add rows to tabular form. Never tested with tabular form.


  • Steven 28 Mar 2014

    Does this work with tabular forms?

    I download the application and uploaded it into my workspace. Created a new template based off of the Horz/Vert Scroll template. And also made the Set Scroll DA but it doesn't seem to work correctly.

    Any Suggestions?

    Workspace: xxx

    Username: xxx

    Password: xxx

    Application: xxx

    Page: Tabular Form



  • Jari Laine 23 Jan 2014

    Hi Tony,

    I have not never really try create fixed headers/columns to IR. Sorry.


  • tony miller 22 Jan 2014

    Looked at it but current customer has issues with it being a Pay to use plugin from a Non-US country..

    Do you have any thoughts on how it might be done?

  • Jari Laine 22 Jan 2014

    Hi Tony,

    Check Matt Nolan IR Plugin Package.


  • tony miller 22 Jan 2014

    Great example.. Do you know of any similar method being done with Interactive Reports?

  • Jari Laine 18 May 2013

    Hi Andy,

    Thanks for sharing this.
