Posted on Wednesday, December 8, 2010 "Fix" APEX 3.2 interactive report Rows select list Category APEX Tips and Tricks APEX 3.2 interactive report Rows select list is not reset when you reset report. You can do test. Change rows to display e.g. to one and press Go button. Then reset report from action menu. Rows select list value is still one. Here is how you can change that feature. Create On Demand process GET_IR_DISPLAY_ROWS DECLARE l_rows NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT display_rows INTO l_rows FROM apex_application_page_ir_rpt WHERE report_id = APEX_APPLICATION.G_x01 AND session_id is null; htp.prn(l_rows); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN htp.prn('NOK'); END; Create HTML region to page zero. Set region Display Point to "Before Footer" and Template "No Template". Insert to Region Source: <script type="text/javascript"> function htmldbIrAction(){ if($x('apexir_WORKSHEET_REGION')){ gReport.action=function(p_widget_action,p_widget_action_mod,p_id,p_value,p_x05,p_x06,p_x07,p_x08,p_x09,p_x10){ if(p_widget_action=='RESET'){ var a=new htmldb_Get(null,$v('pFlowId'),'APPLICATION_PROCESS=GET_IR_DISPLAY_ROWS',$v('pFlowStepId')); a.addParam('x01',$v('apexir_REPORT_ID')); var r=a.get(); if(!isNaN(r)){$s('apexir_NUM_ROWS',r)} } this.l_Action=p_widget_action; this._Get('ACTION',p_widget_action,p_widget_action_mod,p_id,p_value,p_x05,p_x06,p_x07,p_x08,p_x09,p_x10); } } } addLoadEvent(htmldbIrAction); </script>