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Resizing interactive report column dropdown list

Sometimes you might have problem that column value is long and do not show completely when you open IR column dropdown to filter with values. For workaround you can add feature that end user can change dropdown width using jQuery resizable.

Add to page JavaScripts:


Now when you click interactive report header and move mouse to dropdown edge, you can drag it wider.

Resizing dropdown link

Dropdown link

Updated 30.09.2011

If you have problems you can not resize dropdown, check your page template have doctype. See OTN forum thread: Interactive Reports - Width of column heading filter dialogue.


  • France 12 Jul 2016

    I just want to thank you for your explanation ( well detailed ) helped me greatly .

  • a7md 12 Feb 2013
    Hello, please how can i change the position of (column dropdown list) from left to right of column, Thank you.
  • Jari Laine 12 Feb 2013

    Hi Alexander26k,

    Sorry, but I have not had time check this.

    Have you check if there is ready plugin for this ?

    Regards, Jari

  • Alexander26k 11 Feb 2013
    Hi. It's been a long time. I beg you if you can help with this task.
  • Alexander26k 16 Nov 2012
    I hope that you are able to do so in the coming days, because to me it is very necessary. Please help me
  • Alexander26k 10 Nov 2012
    Thank you very much! I hope that soon you will be able to do it. For me this is very important. Thank you again
  • Jari Laine 10 Nov 2012

    Hi Alexander26k,

    I might write blog post about column resizing. I'm currently quite busy so it might take while when I find time to do this.

    Regards, Jari

  • Alexander26k 9 Nov 2012
    Can you help me did it? I do not understand how to do it.
  • Jari Laine 9 Nov 2012

    Hi Alexander26k,

    You mean resize interactive report columns? Yes, it should be possible if you write JavaScript code for that.

    Regards, Jari

  • Alexander26k 8 Nov 2012
    Hello. Please tell me whether it is possible to make so that the user can resize columns themselves?