Posted on Friday, January 21, 2011 Validation errors in jQuery modal dialog Category APEX and jQuery Here is how you can show form validation errors in jQuery modal dialog. If you are using APEX 3.x, load jQuery and jQuery UI library and css in page template header or page HTML header. Create HTML region to page zero Position: "After Header" Template: "No Template" Region source: <div id="htmldbErrDialog" title="Validation Error !" style="display:none"> <ul> </ul> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ if($('#htmldbErrDialog').find("li").length>0){ $('#htmldbErrDialog').dialog({ modal:true, resizable:false, buttons:{ "Ok":function(){ $(this).dialog("close") } } }) } }) </script> Go Home > Application Builder > Application xxx > Shared Components > Templates. Filter report by Type "Label". Then copy label template you use to new name. Edit new label template and change "On Error After Label" to be: <script type="text/javascript"> $('#htmldbErrDialog').find("ul").append($("<li/>",{"text":"#ERROR_MESSAGE#"})) </script> Change form items to use your new label template. See also original article in Oracle APEX forum.