Posted on Friday, January 21, 2011 jQuery slider on APEX 3.x Category APEX and jQuery Here is how you can create jQuery sliders on APEX 3.x Load jQuery and jQuery UI library and css in page template header or page HTML header. Create text field to your page. Item HTML Form Element Attributes: style="border:0;color:#f6931f; font-weight:bold" onkeypress="return false;" onfocus="blur();" Item Pre Element Text (replace Px_MY_ITEM with your item name) <div id="Px_MY_ITEM_SLIDER" style="width:200px"></div> And set default value to 1. Add to page HTML header (replace Px_MY_ITEM with your item name) <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $("Px_MY_ITEM_SLIDER").slider({ range:"max", min:1, max:100, value:$v("Px_MY_ITEM"), slide:function(event, ui){ $s("#Px_MY_ITEM",ui.value) } }) }) </script>