Posted on Tuesday, November 1, 2011 Tooltip help for classic report header Category APEX and jQuery Here is how you can add tooltip help to classic report headers. I have previously write about this topic on Adding help text to column headings in a tabular form. This post is updated version for APEX 4 and take advantage of dynamic action. First create table where store help texts CREATE TABLE DEMO_REPORT_COL_HELP( PK_ID NUMBER NOT NULL ENABLE, APPLICATION_ID NUMBER NOT NULL ENABLE, PAGE_ID NUMBER NOT NULL ENABLE, REGION_STATIC_ID VARCHAR2(40 BYTE) NOT NULL ENABLE, COLUMN_HEADER_NAME VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) NOT NULL ENABLE, HELP_TEXT VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), CREATED_ON DATE NOT NULL ENABLE, CREATED_BY VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) NOT NULL ENABLE, CHANGED_ON DATE, CHANGED_BY VARCHAR2(255 BYTE), CONSTRAINT DEMO_REPORT_COL_HELP_PK PRIMARY KEY(PK_ID) ); Create trigger for table CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER BIU_DEMO_REPORT_COL_HELP BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON DEMO_REPORT_COL_HELP FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF inserting THEN IF :NEW.PK_ID IS NULL THEN SELECT TO_NUMBER(SYS_GUID(), 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX') INTO :NEW.PK_ID FROM DUAL; END IF; :NEW.CREATED_ON := SYSDATE; :NEW.CREATED_BY := NVL(v('APP_USER'), USER); :NEW.CHANGED_ON := NULL; :NEW.CHANGED_BY := NULL; END IF; IF updating THEN :NEW.CHANGED_ON := SYSDATE; :NEW.CHANGED_BY := NVL(v('APP_USER'), USER); END IF; END; / Create report where you like have tooltip help headers. NOTE! Set static id to report region. This is important and makes possible have multiple reports on same page with tooltip help. Check report template "Column Heading Template" <th> tag have id attribute. Id value must be substitution string #COLUMN_HEADER_NAME#. Add id attribute if it missing from your report template. Example of Column Heading Template <th #ALIGNMENT# id="#COLUMN_HEADER_NAME#" class="header">#COLUMN_HEADER#</th> Report <th> tags need have id that we can easily attach tooltip using jQuery on dynamic action. Next populate basic information to DEMO_REPORT_COL_HELP table by running below insert on APEX SQL Workshop. Populate bind variables accordingly. APPLICATION_ID: your application id PAGE_ID: page id where is your report REGION_STATIC_ID: static id you have set to report region INSERT INTO demo_report_col_help ( application_id, page_id, region_static_id, column_header_name ) SELECT r.application_id, r.page_id, r.static_id, c.column_alias FROM APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_REGIONS r, APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_RPT_COLS c WHERE r.page_id = :PAGE_ID AND c.page_id = :PAGE_ID AND r.application_id = :APPLICATION_ID AND c.application_id = :APPLICATION_ID AND r.static_id = :REGION_STATIC_ID AND r.region_id = c.region_id ; Update DEMO_REPORT_COL_HELP table HELP_TEXT column with information you like have to headers tooltip. Create On Demand process GET_REPORT_HELP_TEXT: DECLARE l_sql VARCHAR2(32700); BEGIN l_sql := ' SELECT COLUMN_HEADER_NAME, HELP_TEXT FROM DEMO_REPORT_COL_HELP WHERE APPLICATION_ID = :APP_ID AND PAGE_ID = :APP_PAGE_ID AND REGION_STATIC_ID = ''' || APEX_APPLICATION.G_X01 || ''' AND HELP_TEXT IS NOT NULL '; APEX_UTIL.JSON_FROM_SQL(l_sql); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN HTP.prn('{"row":[]}'); END; Go edit report page and create dynamic action. Select Advanced Name: Get and Set Tooltip Help Event: After Refresh Selection Type: Region Region: {select your report region} Condition: No Condition Action: Execute JavaScript code Fire On Page Load: True Code: $.ajax({ type:"POST", url:"", dataType:"json", data:{ p_flow_id:"&APP_ID.", p_flow_step_id:"&APP_PAGE_ID.", p_instance:"&APP_SESSION.", p_request:"APPLICATION_PROCESS=GET_REPORT_HELP_TEXT", }, success:function(jd){ $.each(jd.row,function(i,jr){ $($x(jr.COLUMN_HEADER_NAME)).mouseover(function(evt){ toolTip_enable(evt,this,jr.HELP_TEXT) }).find("*").removeAttr("title"); }); } }); Selection Type: None Now when you hover mouse over report header you get tooltip. You can also create form over DEMO_REPORT_COL_HELP table to maintain help texts.