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Tooltip help for APEX list entries

Here is how add tooltip help to list entries. You need modify or create new list template and add title attribute. In this example I modify APEX build in theme 1 Horizontal Images with Label List template.

Add to first div in List Template Current and List Template Noncurrent title attribute like in below picture.

Edit your list and change it to use new template.

Edit your list entries and fill to first User Defined Attributes help text you like have for list entry.

Now when you run page and hower mouse over list entry, you can see tooltip help.

See working example.


  • Animesh 25 Feb 2013

    Hi Jari, Thanks a lot your your replies. I got the solution and its working fine in my Application. I missed out one HTML tag. Thanks and Regards Animesh Bangalore India

  • Animesh 25 Feb 2013
    Hi Jari, I tried again, but still cannot do it. I will be listing out the steps, please tell me where I am going wrong.
    1. Created a new List Template
       Code for List Template Current
      <div class="list-item-current" title="#A01">
      <div class="list-item-image"><img src="IMAGE_PREFIX##IMAGE#" #IMAGE_ATTR# alt="" / ></div>
      <div class="list-item-lable"><a href="#LINK#" class="current">#TEXT#</a></div>
      Code for List Template Noncurrent
     <div class="list-item" title="#A01#">
      <div class="list-item-image"><img src="#IMAGE_PREFIX##IMAGE#" #IMAGE_ATTR# alt="" / ></div>
      <div class="list-item-lable">a href="#LINK#" class="current">#TEXT#</a></div>
    2. Edit in List   List Template Override: new template 3. Edit list entries   User Defined Attributes : To desired text Can you please guide me where I am going wrong. - Animesh
  • Jari Laine 25 Feb 2013

    Hi Animesh,

    You have mistakes in list template. Check HTML what you have entered to list template. Also check that you have entered substitution strings correctly.

    Regards, Jari

  • Animesh 25 Feb 2013

    Hi Jari, Thanks for the Quick Response. I have created an example app on

    Workspace: xxx USERNAME: xxx PASSWORD: xxx - Animesh

  • Jari Laine 25 Feb 2013

    Hi Animesh,

    Please create example about problem to and share developer loging details to workspace. I can then try check what could be problem.

    Regards, Jari

  • Animesh 25 Feb 2013
    Hi, I tried its not working in my case. Can you please help me out. I have written
    <div class="list-item-current" title="#A01">
      <div class="list-item-image"><img src="#IMAGE_PREFIX##IMAGE#" #IMAGE_ATTR# alt="" / ></div>
       <div class="list-item-label"><a href="#LINK#" class="current">#TEXT#</a></div>
    <div class="list-item" title="#A01#">
       <div class="list-item-image"><img src="#IMAGE_PREFIX##IMAGE#" #IMAGE_ATTR# alt="" / ></div>
        <div class="list-item-lable">a href="#LINK#" class="current">#TEXT#</a></div>
    - Animesh